Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TMI Tuesday: Famous or Forgotten

Thanks to an anonymous TMI Tuesday blog lurker for this week’s questions…Famous or Forgotten
For each question answered, an accompanying story would be entertaining. Delight us!

1. Have you ever had sex with someone famous or who later became famous, if only locally?

2. In the spirit of Six Degrees of Separation, have you had sex with someone who had sex with someone who had sex with someone who . . . someone famous?
not to my knowledge

3. In the opposite direction, have you had sex with someone whose name you didn’t know?
I knew it when I met them and went to bed with them for a one-night stand.  (wince)  Did I remember it 2 days later.  Not so much.

4. Someone whose name you knew then but have forgotten?
uhhhh, there is one co-worker I fooled around with my sophomore year of college

5. Someone who you suspect may have forgotten you?
I imagine those I had one-night stands with have forgotten me.

Bonus question: Someone you wish you could forget?
Someone, hmmmm.  Probably not.  Would mind taking BACK a few things, at least in theory.  But those experiences shaped me and taught me things.

Now, some of the things I've seen on FetLife.........  REALLY wish I could erase them from my memory.  Hopefully with time.  I don't envy my girlfriends with eidetic memories.

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Funny

The photo caption says: "The Invitation is Always Open"

This is an advertisement [cropped by my camera phone] for Forest Park in Saint Louis, MO.  This particular poster can be seen on many, if not most, Metrolink platforms.  Am I the ONLY person who thinks this is more than a little sexually suggestive???

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

TMI Tuesday: Moustache edition

This week's questions, from heelsnstocking.blogspot.com, have a moustache theme and a request for you to join in, even it it's just a little self checking.

1.  Ladies.... Have you ever kissed a man with a moustache?
Gentlemen.... Have you ever had a moustache?
Did you like it?

I've kissed a man with a full moustache and beard.  I didn't expect to like it, but I did.  It was very soft, and no face burn.  I still think I prefer a clean-shaven face, though.  Not going to dictate to a partner, though.

2.  They say 'putting on the beard' means going down on a lady with a full bush.  Do you prefer a bearded, trimmed, or bald pussy?

I was au natural for many years, and then started to trim a bit.  I trim a bit more than I used to, but I don't think it's too over the top.  I have NO interest in going bald.  I'd feel naked.  The idea of injury....... or razor burn!  I know it can be done well and carefully, but I honestly have no desire to learn.  And then you have to keep on top of it.  I go most of winter without shaving my legs.  If it's something the [theoretical] love of my life REALLY wanted, I might consider it.  At the end of the day, though, it's my body and I get to decide what is done to/with it.

3.  What's your preferred style of 'tashing on'? (snogging)

hmm, well my LEAST preferred is having someone jump right in and stick his tongue down my throat.  Foreplay applies to multiple ares of the body, folks.  I like slow and deep and probing.  I like nibbles. I like the kiss that takes forever to start with lots of anticipation, only to have it progress just as slowly as it took to begin.  I like tender kisses, and having many parts of my body kissed.  In love, friendship, fun.  I kiss good friends on the cheek when saying hello/goodbye, and often on the forehead when they're seated and I'm headed out.  A few particular friends I actually kiss (closed mouthed) on the mouth when saying hello/goodbye.  It's the dynamic we have.  I'm all about the intimacy, the relationship, the connection, and showing that physically when the other person allows it and it's contextually appropriate.

4.  When's the last time you cupped yours or anyone else's testicles?

I don't have my own pair LITERALLY.  As to who I am personality wise........   I definitely have a set or three.  Differing sizes depending upon what is needed.  ;)  As to someone else's I cupped, but mostly beat, on a pair a few weeks ago.  Trying out a potential submissive.  We shall see.  I like hurting them, though, that's for sure.  :D

5.  If you had a moustache what style would you be and why?

low maintenance, well kept, and something that looked good on me.  Pretty self-explanatory if you know me, or have read my other posts  :)

Don't forget to visit TMI Tuesday to see who else is playing this week!